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Welcome Home.

Hiawatha Wellness was created to be your space for healing from the inside out. No one's healing path resembles another. Each winds through twists and turns, much like a worn path through a forest. Together, we will embark on a journey through the depths of your being, through the forest of your soul, and find the light that is present on the other side.


My mission is to show everyone another way to be, beyond their pain, suffering, and struggles. I've dedicated my life to creating a space that offers healing from the inside out. Should your journey wind through the Hiawatha Forest, I am honored to be your guide to health, healing, and happiness. 

What is Reiki?


Reiki sessions are designed to meet you where you are, combining various techniques to craft an experience that facilitates deep transformation and brings you to the freedom you have been seeking.


Hiawatha Wellness is rooted in Reiki, a form of Japanese healing based on Universal energy. In addition to Reiki, sessions may include:


- Coaching
-Chakra Analysis
-Clairvoyancy Techniques
-Shamanic Practices
-Guided Meditations
-Vibrational Sound Healing

-Energy Healing

-And more!

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My life has been its own winding path, taking me to unexpected corners and through avenues for healing that I never anticipated. By being fully present on this journey, I've discovered the secrets to creating wellbeing on all levels, mind, body, spirit, and soul.

what are EOS

What is Reiki?

A Typical Session

The typical session takes an hour. If you choose a full Reiki session, we will begin with a brief guided meditation to bring you into a relaxed state of being, then we will begin the Reiki healing. Sessions can be either in person or online, and can be completed with or without touch. 


You will lay fully clothed on the table if in person, or in a comfortable space in your own home if you choose a distance session. All I ask of you in these sessions is to relax, be open, and set the intention that Reiki will flow to where it is needed most.

Relaxing music will play in the background with low light for your relaxation, and you are encouraged to create a healing space for yourself in your own home for distance sessions.


If you choose a complete healing session, our 60 minutes can be spent in a variety of ways, catered to your needs when we meet. These sessions may include Shamanic Journeys, Guided Meditations, Chakra Analysis, Coaching, and Energy Healing. If there is a particular modality that interests you, please let me know, and we can create a session that suits your every need.

These sessions are designed to bring you to a space of peace so that you can tap into the healing power of your own energy, experience deep and lasting transformation, and free yourself from pain, anxiety, or doubt. Each session will be set with an intention you place at the beginning of our time together, so that we can focus on creating the biggest impact in your daily life by focusing on the problems that are weighing on you most.


You should walk away feeling free, peaceful, connected, and transformed.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands “and is based on the ideas that unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.


The word Reiki is made of two Japanese Words-Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy.” So actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”


A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating may beneficial effect that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and wellbeing. Many here reported miraculous results.


Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relive side effects and promote recovery.

Reiki Treatment

What is Reiki?

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  • Reiki will relax you when you are stressed

  • Reiki brings about deep relaxation

  • Reiki centers your thoughts when you are confused

  • Reiki energizes you when you feel drained

  • Reiki calms you when you are frightened

  • Reiki focuses your mind and helps you to solve problems

  • Reiki relieves pain

  • Reiki accelerates natural healing of wounds

  • Reiki improves health

  • Reiki gradually clears up chronic problems

  • Reiki helps prevent the devilment of disease

  • Reiki detoxifies the body

  • Reiki dissolves energy blockages

  • Reiki releases emotional wounds

  • Reiki increases the vibrational frequency of the body

  • Reiki helps Change negative conditioning and behavior

Benefits of Reiki

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In-Person Reiki Session

These In-Person Healing sessions are designed to bring you into a comfortable space at my healing studio in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. A 60-minute retreat for healing from the inside out.



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Complete Healing Session


These 60-minute healing sessions are designed to bring you healing wherever you are. Each session may include: 

- Coaching
-Chakra Analysis
-Clairvoyancy Techniques
-Shamanic Practices
-Guided Meditations
-Vibrational Sound Healing

-Energy Healing

-And more!



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Distance Reiki Session

These distance Reiki sessions are designed to bring you health and healing from the comfort of your own home. Each 60-minute session channels the energy to you wherever you are for healing on all levels.




What People Are Saying...

"I have had a number of breakthroughs in my healing journey thanks to Deb.  I decided, following her example, that I would like to learn more about reiki and, with her help and guidance, I was able to receive my first certificate.  I've truly appreciated Deb's wisdom and patience and intuitiveness.  I have found that the reiki sessions that I'm doing on myself have been bringing me an immense amount of relief physically emotionally and spiritually and I did an amazing reiki session on my sister who has never done anything like this before and it brought her to a whole new level of spirituality and peace.  I recommend Deb highly whether you are in need of healing and would like to do sessions with her or for her wonderful teaching abilities if you would like to pursue further studies in the healing arts." -Bonnie Bartel

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